

About Chlamydia

Chlamydia: Detection, Treatment, and Prevention at Our Clinic

Understanding Chlamydia: A Common STD/STI

Chlamydia is a prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STD/STI) that often goes unnoticed without suitable testing. Our clinic offers comprehensive chlamydia treatment and screening services to ensure your sexual health.

How is Chlamydia transmitted?

Through contaminated body fluid during sexual intercourse, whether this is oral, vaginal or anal sex. Condoms help reduce the risk but are not 100% effective at stopping STDs.

What are the symptoms?

This is the trump card for Chlamydia as it often doesn’t have any symptoms and can go unnoticed for long periods of time. On the occasion that symptoms do appear, men may experience mild discomfort passing urine or a penile discharge while women may experience pelvic pain akin to pelvic inflammatory disease.

Much like Gonorrhoea, screening is the only way to be sure.

How can I screen?

For men the screening will involve a urine sample, throat or anal swabs depending on the region at risk (chlamydia only spreads through direct contact).

Women will require swabs from the vagina, throat or anus, again depending on region at risk

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Since there are no symptoms can I ignore it?

No, you should not ignore chlamydia because the longer it stays in your body the greater then chance it could cause further, irreversible damage. Men may experience prostatitis (prostate gland swelling) or testicular swelling, which are often painful and debilitating. It can often still be cured but the process may be long and arduous.

Women will experience pelvic inflammatory disease, which is painful and can lead to internal scarring which is a leading cause of infertility.

How do I know if I am clear?

We would recommend testing again at about 4 weeks after completing the antibiotics to be sure. If the subsequent test is negative then you are all clear. But remember the treatment for the current infection of chlamydia does not protect you from reinfection later on. For more information please contact us or visit us in clinic.

Can Chlamydia be treated?

Chlamydia in Singapore is effectively treated with a course of antibiotics lasting 7 to 14 days, as prescribed by a healthcare professional. It’s crucial for patients to complete the full antibiotic course, even if symptoms diminish or disappear. During the treatment period, individuals should abstain from sexual activity until cleared by a doctor. This comprehensive approach extends to involving current or recent partners, who should also undergo testing and receive treatment if necessary.

Importance of Seeking Treatment: Untreated chlamydia can progress to serious health issues such as pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, or ectopic pregnancy.

Prevention Strategies: While there is currently no vaccine for chlamydia in Singapore, individuals can reduce the risk through safe sex practices, including condom use and limiting sexual partners. Regular testing for STDs is recommended for those who are sexually active or have multiple partners.

Partner Transmission and Testing: Chlamydia can easily be transmitted between partners, even in the absence of symptoms. Testing for STDs is the only way to confirm infection.

Prompt Medical Attention: If exposure to chlamydia is suspected, seek medical attention promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent long-term complications associated with chlamydia.

Closing Thoughts: Chlamydia is a treatable infection with antibiotics. Adherence to doctor’s instructions and completing the prescribed medication is crucial. If exposure is suspected, contact your healthcare provider promptly for testing and treatment. Taking these proactive steps can help prevent future health complications caused by chlamydia and safeguard your overall well-being.

For more information please contact us or visit us in clinic.