Vaginal Lumps and Bumps


Noticed a lump on your vagina? Not sure if it is something to worry about?

Before you start to panic, read on to find out more about the common causes of lumps and bumps around your genital area.

Common Causes

Bartholin Cyst

One of the most common causes of bumps are due to bartholin cyst. Bartholin glands which secrete mucus can sometimes become blocked or infected and this can be painful. Sometimes they can go away on its own after soaking them in warm water. However, if it is not getting better, or becoming painful, it is advisable to see a doctor for a course of antibiotics or to have it drained.

Genital warts

Genital warts are flesh coloured lumps or ‘small cauliflowers’ that are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and is a type of sexually transmitted infection (STI). They are usually painless and occasionally itchy. There are various treatment options for removing genital warts from topical lotions, cryotherapy (freezing) or electrocautery (using a machine to burn away the warts).


Waxing, shaving or any other trauma to the skin can cause an infection around the hair follicles around the genital area causing lumps that can be painful. The infected lumps can range from a small razor-like cut to a boil or abscess full of pus.

Genital herpes simplex virus

Genital herpes is a form of sexually transmitted infection. Most people do not know they have it as they usually have no symptoms. However, when you do get symptoms from a herpes infection, they are usually painful, angry looking blisters that burst and form ulcers. Seeking medical advice early can help in tackling and controlling the outbreak as soon as possible. Although there is a lot of stigma attached to being diagnosed with genital herpes, it is very common and easily managed.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum on the genital area is a form of sexually transmitted infection (STI) as well. It is usually painless and usually appears as multiple small pearl- like bumps with a crater in the middle. They can usually disappear on their own if left untreated. Otherwise, visit your doctor who would be able to further advise you on treatment options.

Sebaceous cyst

These are benign harmless lumps that can occur anywhere on the genital area. They are usually superficial lumps and painless and that’s why they are usually found incidentally.

Vestibular papillomatosis

Vestibular papillomatosis (VP) of the vulva is a benign, painless slow growing bump. It is commonly mistaken as genital warts. However, VP is not link to the HPV infection and is not sexually transmitted. The cause of VP is unknown. In majority of cases, no treatment is necessary.


As with any lumps or bumps, the thing we feared most is whether it could be cancer?Vagina cancer is very rare. Vulva cancer is not as rare but still not common and typically occur in older women. Besides noticing a lump, you may get other symptoms such as itching, bleeding, noticing an irregular border or change in the skin appearance and texture.

If you have noticed a new lump or worried about a lump you have incidentally found, please see a doctor. The only way to know if it is harmless or something that needs further treatment is to see a doctor who would be able to confirm the diagnosis and if it is something harmless, would be able to put your mind at ease.

For more information please contact us or visit us in clinic.